Sunday, July 28, 2013

Blogpost #6: Fear vs. Phobias

A big competition among these two. But they are pretty much the same. Phobia  is a persistent, abnormal, and irrational fear of a specific thing or situation that compels one to avoid it, despite the awareness and reassurance that it is not dangerous. While fear is less like a mini phobia but in a sense of that. They pretty much teams up and create big.

And I have read an article at written by with the title "The Fear Factor: Phobias"
"Phobias involve the experience of persistent fear that is excessive and unreasonable," says Wilson, who is author of the book Don't Panic. "Phobias are cued when a person approaches a particular situation or object, or even anticipates the approach of it, and they understand the fear they will experience as a result of that situation will be unreasonable and excessive."
The key to distinguishing a fear from a phobia is that that while most people get the jitters if a spider crawls on their arm, people suffering from arachnophobia -- the fear of spiders -- are physically and/or psychologically impaired by it.
"To be defined as a phobia, the fear must cause some level of impairment," says Wilson. "I had a woman come in who was afraid of spiders, and it got to the point where she wouldn't go out at night because she couldn't see where they were."

From what I understand to that article is that every point of going out is a point of going elsewhere that leads to the road of hardness. How are they different well fears and phobias are a common—up to a fifth of people suffer to some extend.  For some people their fears or phobias are no more than a ‘nuisance. So that's the thing about phobias and fear.

Blogpost #5: Fear and Anger

Ahhh. A huge opposite attraction to both emotion. Well I have my experiences. Like there's one time that I got mad at someone but it turns out that I'm in a confused stage of uniqueness which defines a confusion. It's so hard to understand. So about this post I'm gonna be telling on how fear is different to anger and how they works in their own ways and what is the possibilities of the weird attraction.

And I have read an article at written by ALBERT F. AX with the title "The Physiological Differentiation between Fear and Anger in Humans"

Forty-three subjects were stimulated in the laboratory to "fear" and "anger," during which the following physiological reactions were recorded: (1) heart rate, (2) ballistocardiogram, (3) respiration rate, (4) face temperature, (5) hand temperature, (6) skin conductance, and (7) integrated muscle potential. The scores used were the maximum rise and maximum fall from the preceding resting level and the number of responses of a critical value per unit time. Of the 14 scores thus obtained, 7 showed significant discrimination between anger and fear. Diastolic blood pressure rises, heart rate falls, number of rises in skin conductance, and muscle potential increases, were greater for anger than for fear, whereas skin conductance increases, number of muscle potential increases, and respiration rate increases were greater for fear than for anger. Profile difference scores, computed from appropriate combinations of these differences, were found to be greater than zero in 42 of the 43 cases and to have a mean which deviated very significantly from zero, which rejects the null hypothesis that there is no difference in physiological reaction between anger and fear.

That biology understanding tells me that those are the significance of Anger to Fear and Fear to Anger. If something reacts to our body is it our physical appearance that shows our self-control to anger and fear. Fear and Anger are the same mind state.  It's kind of like an opposite energy of clinging, but with a similar base.
We think if we can fight enough, struggle enough, and push away enough then whatever has come up will not have come up and we will be able to be in control of the unfolding of events. But look at what we get angry at, all these things that we cannot control, what arises in our minds. We get so frustrated, thinking, "I don't know, I've worked so hard, I've been meditating for six months, ten years, whatever. This stuff still comes up. It's bad. It's wrong. I'm a failure" or "I've been in psychotherapy all this time and anger still comes up. I'm bad. I'm wrong. I'm a failure." Yet, can we ever fully control what  arises in our mind?

Blogpost #4: Trick-or-Treat

Wooo. HALLOWEEN! This is the event for people who makes fear fun. I remember wearing a scary ghost outfit in school and scared my classmates. And yeah Halloween is the event for people who loves scaring people. That is not the only purpose for Halloween. People give yummy candies to little kiddies with their cute little outfit. Fear in an event is fun but if it's too much well that's a big scary problem for us now.

And I have read an article at written by Ms. Skenazy with the title 'Stranger Danger' and the Decline of Halloween

According to Elizabeth Letourneau she said that "We almost called this paper, 'Halloween: The Safest Day of the Year,' because it was just so incredibly rare to see anything happen on that day."
Why is it so safe? Because despite our mounting fears and apoplectic media, it is still the day that many of us, of all ages, go outside. We knock on doors. We meet each other. And all that giving and taking and trick-or-treating is building the very thing that keeps us safe: community.
We can kill off Halloween, or we can accept that it isn't dangerous and give it back to the kids. Then maybe we can start giving them back the rest of their childhoods, too.

Now I understand, The phychology of fear has connected to this topic she says? Well. yeah every aspect that we are dealing is obtainable. So their you have it kids don't just fool around and do something different just have fun ;) And how is fear connected to this? It's because Halloween is the main real reason for all of this.

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Blogpost #3: Fear? Scary?

We say that fear is scary well we can't really do anything about that unless if you read my previous post on how you will conquer your fear. But nevertheless you should expect more on this cause you know fear is something that you can't really put up outside the box that you are thinking. The process will make you think that you afraid of something. But again it's just all in your head.

I have read an interesting article from Dan Newby at with the title "Why Is Fear So Scary"

Fear is without doubt one of the most common moods and emotions humans experience.  It is by blind habit considered one of the “bad” emotions.  Fear lives in the neighborhood of anxiety and worry and keeps company with anger, greed, and jealousy.  It is rare to find anyone who embraces fear or sees it as a valuable emotion.  But what is fear?
Fear always points to something in the future.  Even if it is fear of something that could happen in the next second, it is nonetheless in the future.  The message of fear is: “Watch out for x because it may harm you in some way.”  Our fear is without doubt informed by past experiences, but the fear itself comes from the anticipation that the unpleasant event might occur again in the future.
But why is it scary?  The simple answer is that fear is scary because that is what it is supposed to be.  The scary bit is what gets our attention.  Its role in the emotional palette is to force us to take a look at what aspects of the future may pose danger to us, to orient us where harm may come from.

Woah that almost scared me for a bit. But we all know that fears are scary and it is something that we should obtain cause without it. Your gonna be a fearless person which is not good thinking that you are unstoppable and invulnerable but your not. And that explains the article that I read and it's hard to anticipate the scariness within it. So why not understand it?

Friday, July 26, 2013

Blogpost #2: How do we overcome fear?

Well. In my experiences when it comes to things that you have to deal about. You should do what you have to do. And by overcoming a fear you should conquer your fear. Face it not only it's because it's good for your own sake but it's an awesome feeling when you feel happy when you don't react to your physical reactions.
They are steps on how you overcome your fear for me you should analyse your fear first so that you can have a clue about your fear. Name your fear. Sometimes fear makes itself known immediately, clearly, and other times its more difficult to name the cause of those anxious feelings lurking in the back of your mind. Once you got that imagine the outcome you desire since you have a huge information about your fear think about what exactly you want to change and take control of you fear in order to survive the fear outside of you. Tip for you guys is that "Change the way you think About fear" that is pretty much the main thing to make you feel normal when fear comes into you. And lastly the final step on how you deal with your fear is give fear a place in your life

Every time you feel fear in your life, it's a manifestation of the kingdom of darkness. I often say in my teachings that fear is the "master spirit." It's the spirit Satan uses to try to rule God's people and keep them from coming under the leadership of the true Master, Jesus Christ. -Timothy 1:7

I have read an article at written by Claire Colvin with the title "Overcome Your Fears"

Fear keeps us in the background. It convinces us we can never accomplish our dreams, tells us to keep quiet, and separates us from the ones we love. Fear has an unparalleled ability to freeze us in our tracks, and limit what we are willing to try. Fear makes us lead a smaller life.
Fear is not a bad thing. It exists for our protection as an early warning signal. But there is a big difference between the healthy fear that tells us to step away from the edge of a cliff and a constant fear that keeps us from living our life.

From what I understand about the article is that is it for our own good. And it can help us from the thing that are meant to happen if you don't have fear then you won't be afraid to do things that can lead you to danger

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Blogpost #1: What is fear exactly?

Everybody has fears. We know it's hard but we have to deal with it everytime. The very common fears that we have is pretty much the usual such as Heights, Deep Water and stuff that controls your brain to the fear state. Some people can overcome fears like how they conquer it but if you want to know more and if you bear with me and stay with me I promise you that you won't get fear by my blog.

Define fear?
Well. For me fear can be two ways an emotion or a feeling. Fear is the thing that we have that we don't like. It's a pleasant feeling of perceived risk or danger. It can be imagined and it can be real. Fear can also be describe as an extreme emotion of dislike.

I read an article at written by Susan M. Heathfield with the title "The Psychology of Fear"

Fear is a powerful and primitive human emotion. It alerts us to the presence of danger and was critical in keeping our ancestors alive. Fear can actually be divided into two stages, biochemical and emotional. The biochemical response is universal, while the emotional response is highly individualized.
Biochemical Reaction
When we confront a perceived danger, our bodies respond in specific ways. Physical reactions to fear include sweating, increased heart rate and high adrenaline levels. This physical response is sometimes known as the “fight or flight” response, in which the body prepares itself to either enter combat or run away.
This biochemical reaction is likely an evolutionary development. It is an automatic response and is crucial to survival.

Based on the article that I read. Fear is a fundamental thing that we truly have. And she explained the basic meaning of fear. For example when there's a dark place that comes into play in reality you reacted as if your life were in danger. But that's just our physical reaction well the truth is that your not really in trouble it is you that controls the fear itself. And this is clearly show that our physical reactions to our body complies to our physical appearance like your gonna hide and stuff. We don't like that right?